Giving to St Marys

Thank you for giving to the work of St Mary’s, Bermondsey. Your financial contributions enable us to offer our worship to God, and host our discipleship courses and outreach ministries. It also enables us to maintain our Grade II* listed building for the people of Bermondsey for generations to come. We could not do this without you and we are grateful for your generosity and support.

Why and how we give financially

The bible teaches us that all that we have comes from God, and it is given to us to use in His service (Leviticus 27.30-33; 1 Chronicles 29.11-16; 2 Corinthians 8.1-15). This should encourage us to give generously to many causes - we should consider these causes prayerfully. Among the many targets of our giving the Church should be a priority; in giving to the Church we participate through our money in the proclamation and the service of the kingdom of God. 

In our giving to the Church, we should include giving to our local church, supporting and enabling its mission and ministry to our friends and neighbours; it is right that the financial burden of the work of the Church (as well as the upkeep of its building) should be shared as broadly as possible (2 Corinthians 12-15). Ultimately, when we give money in the way that God calls us to, it is not simply a financial transaction, but an act of worship to God. 

How to give

Direct Debit

The easiest and most tax-efficient form of regular giving is to set up a Direct Debit for a regular gift through the Parish Giving Scheme. This is a service set up by the Church of England that ensures that 100% of your gift comes to St Mary’s. The Parish Giving Scheme will also collect gift aid on our behalf if you are eligible. It enables you to monitor your giving and adjust it according to your circumstances.

Through your bank

You can also give to St Mary’s directly through your bank. If you wish St Mary’s to collect Gift Aid, you will need to fill out a Gift Aid mandate and send it to the church.

The St Mary’s bank details are:

Payee Name: St Mary’s Church
Sort Code: 60-83-01
Account Number: 20185691
Payment Reference: GIVING

In church

If you would like to give at one of our services, you can do so by using the CollecTin terminal on the table at the back of church for contactless giving via your bank card. You can also donate cash during the service. If you give a one off gift and would like us to collect Gift Aid please ask for a form. Stewards at the service will be able to direct you to these giving methods.

Gift Aid

If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the UK, we can claim back 25p on every £1 you donate through the Gift Aid scheme. To permit us to do this, please complete this Gift Aid Declaration.

If you pay tax at Higher Rate or above, you can claim a rebate for the difference between the rate you pay the amount we receive as Gift Aid. You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return, or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code. For further information, please contact the church office.

Giving to the building fund

Our Grade II* listed building cost over £775 per week simply to maintain in 2023. Much greater spending is needed to restore it to a good condition, and to preserve it for future generations. If you would like to give specifically to help maintain this historic building for the people of Bermondsey, please use one of the methods above and include ‘Building Fund’ in your reference.

St Marys Giving

St Mary’s church gives around a third of its income to a variety of other Christian organisations and mission partners. Our regular partners include:

We also give to other organisations and partners according to their needs. For more information on our giving, see our annual reports.